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Roblox and web developer.

Hi, I'm Matt!

I'm an experienced game designer and builder on the Roblox platform. I'm also the co-founder of the game studio called Fmgroup Studios; you can find our work further down here.
As a beginner web developer, I'm building mainly font-end projects with HTML and CSS.
Furthermore, I also like designing all kinds of stuff, let it be GFX, vector art or photo-shooting and editing. Software-wise, I'm using Roblox studio for developing my Fmgroup games, IntelliJ/WebStorm for coding, C4D for GFX and Affinity Photo/Designer for Photography and Design.

“Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will believe its whole life that it is stupid.” ~Albert Einstein


I am the co-founder of Fmgroup studios with my buddy Fabrice. In early 2020, we set on a mission to learn Roblox development and start doing this as our hobby. It turned out amazing, with our second release, the story, massively taking up in the summer of 2021.
In general, I am creating the game design (front-end) and Fabrice is coding the server-side (back-end) scripts.
I am very happy to see what we have managed to achieve!
But more is to come, stay tuned! Visit our website and join our Discord and Roblox groups!

Some quick stats

An icon depicting a visit counter


An icon depicting a star


An icon depicting a group of 7 people


My Roblox projects

My main Roblox project is the story game mentioned below. I also have some other smaller Roblox projects made in a couple of hours on my profile. You can find those by clicking here.

The last day of school - [Story!]

Welcome to The last day of school [Story]! You heard well : ! The day that everyone loves because the next day is the beginning of holidays! But when the teacher goes missing, you realize that this day will not be as fun as you thought it would be...

My web projects

So, I'm a front-end guy.
I know some of HTML (hence this website) and barely enough JavaScript to make it work... I don't have much else to show here in my portfolio, I'm still learning the web development stuff.
I'm pretty happy how this website turned out, though (have a problem with it?).
Other than that, some web projects may come in the future...

My socials and accounts

My main accounts are all listed here. Anyone else claiming to be me is obviously not.

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